
Sunday, October 28, 2012

New Dojo?!

Hey guys! I just found a picture of a possible new Dojo! This Dojo might come up in the "Big Update" happening next year! Seems so awesome! So Sensei is just in the middle of the Dojo and there is mats around him! Epic! Wonder if its real though. *UPDATE* This picture is and edit. Somebody in CP Wikia edited it.

What do you think?! comment your thoughts below!

Possible new EPF HQ?

Hey guys! I just saw a pic that called my attention! Might this be the new EPF HQ after operation blackout?! Or maybe after the "Big Update" Who knows?! Seems pretty sweet, huh? I love it! It looks so epic with the island hologram at the center! *UPDATE* This picture is an edit. Some guy in CP Wikia edited it.

What do you think?! Comment your thoughts below! Credit to ClubPenguinCheatsHighQuality for this picture.

Operation Blackout Sneak Peek

Hey guys! Spike Hike has just gave us a sneak peek for Operation Blackout! He said the EPF sent him this, and he doesn't know what it means. It seems like glasses from Gary! Gary's glasses are destroyed by Herbert! He infiltrated his lab and KIDNAPPED him! If you look closely Herbert is carrying Gary! Oh god. What will happen later?

What do you think?! Comment your thoughts below!

Spike Hike now has Twitter!

Hey guys! Recently Polo Field just confirmed that @SpikeHikeCP 's Twitter account is real! So awesome! I bet we will get to talk with him a lot! I hope he shares sneak peeks of parties as well, like Polo and Moose do. Well here is his account! 

Here is the proof Polo gave us:      

And here is his twitter account:

 Pretty awesome another CP member has joined twitter, huh? What do you guys think?! Comment your thoughts below!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

2 New Halloween CP Wallpapers

Hey guys! The other day when Club Penguin updated they added two new wallpapers to the wallpapers section! They're halloween themed! And they're also pretty sweet! Check them out!
This one is a full version of the Haunted Mansion. It shows you all the rooms in that point of view! Pretty epic right? 

Now this one is pretty nice! It's that plain color of purple carpet (or maybe walls) with those designs. They used this at the end of the Halloween Video sneak peek as well.

What do you think?! Comment your thoughts below!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Club penguin's 100th Video!

Hey guys! Businesmoose (a club penguin moderator) has just tweeted their 100th video! Yay! Its pretty cool! The effect that they put on the letters and numbers! Short but awesome!

Short but cool! What do you guys think about it? Comment your thoughts below!

3rd Sneak Peek of Operation Blackout from Polo Field

Hey guys! Polo Field just sent the third sneak peek out! It is so awesome! A laser! From Herbert! He wants to wipe out the sun! I knew it! This will be awesome! So interesting! I can't wait! Credit to IcyJax for the picture.

2nd Sneak Peek from Operation Blackout from Polo Field

Hey guys! Polo Field has just sent me the second sneak peek for Operation Blackout! I can't wait to see what you guys say about this one! It seems like there is a ladder going to a cave or some place! So awesome! Maybe a hideout for Herbert?! I can't wait! 

1st Operation Blackout Sneak Peek from Polo Field

 Hey guys! Polo Field (a club penguin moderator), has just sent out one of the two sneak peeks of Operation Blackout he's sending out! It is really mysterious actually. It seems like the Coffee Shop entrance has been covered by snow! What could be going on in there?! I can't wait to see the second one! What do you guys think about this? Comment your thoughts below! Credit goes to Ash66759CP for this pic! 

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Operation Blackout Secrets REVEALED!

Ok guys! I have just figured out what tons of the sneak peeks of the upcoming party "Operation Blackout" mean. First of all.. check out these four pictures 

See this! This means something pre-historic is gonna happen! Maybe Herbert has gotten a time machine that Gary made. You can see it in those two pictures. One is in the telescope in the mansion, and the other is a sneak peek. I now have some proof that maybe Herbert has actually infiltrated into Gary's lab and STOLEN this time machine to go back in past! 

Now. When you go to the log in screen Herbert appears saying this: 

What maybe will happen is that Herbert will send the whole island back in time. Then the EPF will come and save the day! Or era? Anyways on the new video club penguin has showed us there is tons of the new "Big Update". Maybe this "Big Update" will happen when the island comes back to normal! We'll see! Until next time.. this is Alessio85047!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Blog is Back in my Hands!

Hey guys! Icyjax had hacked the blog. The sad thing is that I have to do tons of things again. He deleted all the posts that I had made and wrote curse words all over. I hope I can get my posts back but I don't know if there is a way. Well... welcome! The site will be fully re-designed in a couple of days! Hope you guys like it!