
Thursday, November 15, 2012

How to get to advanced Rooms

Hey guys! A while ago I discovered a glitch the same as the one in Ultimate Jam. Well here you can go into later missions and get into Herbert's secret lair. Check out some pictures and how I got in.  

 Here's how to do it. Walk to the ladder and before you exit double click where the red circle is.

 The result will be this. You'll end up at the top of the room in that pathway. You have to entrances/exits. 

Right after, come on into the left door and you'll be able to do mission 2! 

If you'd rather continue the right path you'll end up here, in Herbert's lair. Pretty sweet huh?

If you continue the path after Herbert's lair to the top you'll end up here. I guess this is the last mission.

What do you think?! This is an epic glitch, I think! Are you gonna be able to do it?!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Herbert on Operation Blackout

Hello Penguins! Recently Club Penguin has made another blog post about Operation Blackout. They talk about Herbert and how he is going to be roaming around the island. Well, here they gave us an exclusive of what he looks like! They also show what the Ski Village looks like. Check it out!

Hello Penguins!
There's been a TON of question about what's coming for Operation Blackout. And with only a few days left, the one we hear the most is "Will we be able to meet Herbert?" And the answer is "YES!" For the very first time Herbert P. Bear will be walking around the island. You'll have a chance to meet him - just watch out for his snowballs.

 Stay tuned to the blog and we'll update you with some times and servers where he'll show up.
Waddle On!
-Club Penguin Team

Pretty epic, huh? I think he looks awesome! He's just randomly shouting there. I can't wait to meet him! What do you think? Will you ruin his plans once again? 

 *UPDATE* We found two more pictures of Herbert!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Game on: Operation Blackout (Spoiler Alert)


A while ago, Game On aired their commercial from Operation Blackout. They gave many room sneak peeks and details. It is very informative and helpful at the same time. If you look closely at 0:46 you will be able to see Herbert's username at the top left corner. Pretty awesome! I guess that means we might have to fight him. What do you think?! I can't wait!

Club Penguin: Poll Updated

Recently Club Penguin has updated their poll. The topic is about parties. They ask "If you could choose a theme of a party, which one would you pick?". Pretty epic! I hope the theme that earns the most votes happens! Thought star wars would be there, it isn't. Check it out:
Awesome! You've got the chances to pick  Safari, Wild West, Ancient Egypt, and CP High School themes. I would go with CP High School. Just seems interesting.  Which one would you pick?

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Operation Blackout Party Information

Hey guys! Recently has updated their party information section! It is about Operation Blackout. Pretty intense, I think. Why not give it a look?

What do you think? Are you excited to ruin Herbert's plans? I know I am! Gear up agents! This is gonna be a blast! If you wanna see more click here.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Club Penguin Updates Youtube channel background and icon

Hey guys! I was checking out CP's youtube channel, I found out they changed their background and icon! Pretty awesome! It is obviously involved with Operation Blackout as well. Check it out!

Pretty epic, huh? If you wanna check out more click here. So, what do you think? Comment your thoughts below!

New Song! "Cool in the Cold"

Hey guys! CP has been working on an awesome song called "Cool in the Cold". It is performed by Cadence. I bet it'll be epic! Remember when Lane said they were working on a "cool" song? It is supposed to be released November 27, 2012, it lasts 2 minutes and 58 seconds as well. Long time 'til it's released... Well anyways, I can't wait! Here is what the cover looks like!

You can check it out on Amazon by clicking here.

What do you think? Comment your thoughts below!

Credit goes to ClubPenguinCP.

Operation Blackout Sneak Peek

Hey guys! Spike Hike has tweeted us a picture, of what seems like part of the EPF. Well actually it is part of the EPF. He said it is an underground secret base. Lucky us we have that. We're gonna be able to train there during Operation Blackout to defeat Herbert. Super excited! Some weapons would come in handy here, wouldn't they?

Pretty epic, huh? I can't wait! This will be so epic! What do you think? Comment your thoughts below!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Sneak Peek: Operation Blackout from Polo Field and Businesmoose

Hey guys! Businesmoose and Polo Field (Club Penguin moderators) have been working on a sneak peek video for Operation Blackout! It is awesome! I'll review it with you guys after you watch it. Check it out! 

Alright. I don't even know what to say. This definitely is their most AWESOME sneak peek video ever.  First of all we see Moose, waddling around the town, snow forts, and plaza. Now all these rooms are covered with snow, you can only see the entrances! All the light from the sun is gone as well. And on the Plaza you'll see a statue of Herbert. Interesting. When they get to the Everyday Phoning Facility (AKA EPF) its on FIRE! Herbert must have done it! On the inside of the EPF it seems like someone just threw a grenade in there. Seriously. Now if you see well, you'll see when Moose is shooting the water, that there is a base behind and a laser. Those are the things on the home screen and on the other sneak peek video. Pretty epic! What do you think?! Comment your thoughts below!

New Herbert Play Coming in Operation Blackout

Hey guys! Herbert tweeted us with a picture of what seems like there will be a play about his life. Seems pretty interesting. It will be awesome that we will be able to find out about his past as well! Check out this picture!

Now, this is what he tweeted. This seems like the cover of the Clothing Catalog for the play. I wonder what costumes we will be able to get. What do you think? Comment your thoughts below!

New Operation Blackout Sneak Peek Video Coming Today

Hey guys! Polo and Moose have been working on another video for Operation Blackout! They said that they were gonna release it today in a comment in one of their 
videos. Check it out!

What do you think?! Comment your thoughts below!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Operation Blackout Sneak Peek Video


Hey guys! A couple of hours ago, Club Penguin released their Operation Blackout Sneak Peek video. It is so awesome! But.. what about Gary? Will he be ok? It seems like the Everyday Phoning Facility (AKA the EPF)  has exploded! I bet Herbert did this! How will we stop him? Comment your thoughts below!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Operation Blackout Sneak Peek

Hey guys! Spike Hike has just tweeted a picture of Operation Blackout! Seems like Herbert has just done something with the sun! Oh no! What could've happened?! I wonder! Check out the picture!

Oh boy! The Everyday Phoning Facility is exploding?! The EPF! NOOO! Herbert has discovered us! He exploded the EPF! What are we gonna do penguins?! Comment your thoughts below!